The Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations (ODISSEI)
Better Infrastructure, Better Science, Better Society
FAIR, Social sciences, Data InfrastructureAbstract
The Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations (ODISSEI) equips social scientists in the Netherlands with the data, tools, and skills that are necessary to answer groundbreaking questions for scientific and policy making purposes. With a variety of use cases to pick from, we aim at engaging in a discussion with other Research data infrastructures to identify synergies but also challenges ahead.
T. Emery, P. Dykstra, and L. van der Meer, ‘ODISSEI Annual Report 2021-2022’, Zenodo, Dec. 2022. doi:
E. L. de Zeeuw et al., ‘Safe Linkage of Cohort and Population-Based Register Data in a Genomewide Association Study on Health Care Expenditure’, Twin Research and Human Genetics, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 103–109, 2021, doi:
A. Petrović, ‘Multiscale spatial contexts and neighbourhood effects’, Delft University of Technology, 2020. Accessed: Nov. 25, 2021. [Online]. Available:
T. Emery, R. Braukmann, M. Wittenberg, J. van Ossenbruggen, R. Siebes, and L. van de Meer, ‘The ODISSEI Portal: Linking Survey and Administrative Data’, Dec. 2020. doi:
L. van der Meer, ‘SANE - Secure ANalysis Environment @PDI-SSH’, Jan. 26, 2023. doi:
M. A. Yerkes, C. Remery, S. André, M. Salin, M. Hakovirta, and M. van Gerven, ‘Unequal but balanced: Highly educated mothers’ perceptions of work–life balance during the COVID-19 lockdown in Finland and the Netherlands’, Journal of European Social Policy, p. 09589287221080411, Mar. 2022, doi: /10.1177/09589287221080411.
D. Yakar, Y. P. Ongena, T. C. Kwee, and M. Haan, ‘Do People Favor Artificial Intelligence Over Physicians? A Survey Among the General Population and Their View on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine’, Value in Health, Oct. 2021, doi:
User policy
E. Schultes, B. Magagna, K. M. Hettne, R. Pergl, M. Suchánek, and T. Kuhn, ‘Reusable FAIR Implementation Profiles as Accelerators of FAIR Convergence’, in Advances in Conceptual Modeling, G. Grossmann and S. Ram, Eds., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 138–147. doi:
A. M. Maineri and S. Wang, ‘FAIR yes, but how? FAIR Implementation Profiles in the Social Sciences’, Dec. 2022, doi:
P. Dykstra et al., ‘Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud for the Netherlands (SSHOC-NL)’, Feb. 2023, doi:
How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Tom Emery, Kasia Karpinska, Angelica Maineri, Lucas van der Meer

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-29
Published 2023-09-07
Funding data
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Grant numbers 184.035.014