Monitoring the State of Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz
A Data-Harvesting and Dashboard-Approach by HMC
open data, FAIR data, Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, metadata, Harvesting, DashboardAbstract
In this contribution we present an integrated approach to monitoring and assessing the state of open and FAIR data in the Helmholtz Association. The project is part of a multi-method approach by Hub Matter in the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC).
In a harvesting-approach, data published by Helmholtz researchers is found starting from literature metadata, harvested from the research centers. Data publications linked to that literature are identified using the SCHOLIX API. In a first approach to automated FAIR assessment, we adopted the F-UJI framework, as developed by the FAIRsFAIR consortium.
The information collected is presented in an interactive dashboard. It allows to explore in which repositories Helmholtz researchers make their data publicly available, to engage Helmholtz communities, and to identify gaps towards improving the FAIRness of Helmholtz data.
The dashboard is publicly available on The general approach as well as all program code are reusable by all research communities.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel Preuß, Alexander Schmidt, Mojeeb Sedeqi, Vivien Serve, Oonagh Mannix, Markus Kubin

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-30
Published 2023-09-07