Integrating Data Literacy Into University Curricula
Student Centred Learning in Undergraduate Physics Lab Courses
Data Life Cycle, Data Literacy, Teaching Material, FAIR principles, Higher Education, Lab CoursesAbstract
The implementation of competencies regarding Research Data Management (RDM) and Data Literacy (DL) into the curricula is a major challenge for the NFDI community. In physics as well as in other disciples, the beginners’ lab courses are the first point in time where students have to deal with data, and are therefore an intuitive point for the integration of first RDM learning objectives. However, the modification of teaching materials is a time-consuming and potentially expensive task. In this contribution the authors show how this can be achieved in the physics beginners’ lab on the basis of concrete examples, thereby affecting the education of students in a wide range of subjects, including the sciences, engineering, but potentially also medicine or geology.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Janice Bode, Philipp Jaeger, Sonja Schneidewind

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-29
Published 2023-09-07