FAIR Assessment Practices
Experiences From KonsortSWD and BERD@NFDI
FAIR principles, FAIR assessment, RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model, Automated FAIR assessment toolAbstract
The poster presents FAIR assessment experiences in the context of the two NFDI consortia KonsortSWD and BERD@NFDI, employing the established Research Data Alliance's FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA-FDMM) and the F-UJI Tool, an automated solution. RDA-FDMM, a manual technique, is more comprehensive, while the automated F-UJI tool effectively detects areas of improvement in metadata presentation that automated means can address. Our experiences highlight the need to examine both machine-readable as well as non-machine-readable elements and acknowledge automated tools' limitations, while valuing their insights. As the research ecosystem advances, metadata representation should be made increasingly machine-readable. We recommend a "FAIR by design" approach from the beginning to ensure alignment with FAIR principles in project outcomes. Continuous assessments during a project’s lifetime promote ongoing research data infrastructure improvements within the NFDI consortia context, contributing to NFDI infrastructure innovation and optimization.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Janete Saldanha Bach , Fidan Limani, Yudong Zhang, Atif Latif, Brigitte Mathiak, Peter Mutschke

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-30
Published 2023-09-07
Funding data
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Grant numbers 442494171;460037581