Object-Related Research Data Workflows Within NFDI4Objects and Beyond
NFDI, NFDI4Objects, Object Biography, Digitalisation Workflow, Semantic Modelling, Linked Open Data, WikidataAbstract
NFDI4Objects (N4O) represents a broad community dealing with material remains of human history from around 3 million years and involves numerous disciplines from the humanities, cultural studies and natural sciences with an archaeological and historical focus [1]. The objects examined include potsherds of common ware, artworks such as sculptures or jewellery, serially produced objects such as coins, organic remains such as wood, bones or pollen, inscribed clay tablets, papyri and stones, architectural remains, as well as human-modified landscapes. Modern research materials such as plaster casts, analogue photographs and drawings, archival documents, books and raw digital data are equally relevant.
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F. Thiery, L. Raddatz, and F. Boochs, “Close to the Original-Erfassung arch¨ aologischer Objekte und ihre webbasierte semantisch modellierte Bereitstellung zur fachwissenschaftlichen Analyse,” in Photogrammetrie - Laserscanning - Optische 3DMesstechnik: Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2022. Berlin: Wichmann, 2022, pp. 56–67, ISBN: 978-3-87907-726-7.
M. Mackensen, Relief- und stempelverzierte nordafrikanische Sigillata des sp¨aten 2. bis 6. Jahrhunderts: r ¨omisches Tafelgeschirr der Sammlung K. Wilhelm (M¨unchner Beitr¨age zur provinzialr¨omischen Arch¨aologie Band 8, Teil 1), ger. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-95490-413-6.
J. Garbsch, “Sp¨ätantike sigillata-tabletts,” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, vol. Zur spätantiken Keramik aus Nordafrika, Supplementa, Vol. 5, no. Supplementa, Vol. 5, 1980.
M. Armstrong, “The köln r¨omisch-germanisches museum study collection of african red slip ware,” K¨ölner Jahrbuch f¨ur Vor- und Fr¨uhgeschichte 24 (1991), vol. 24, pp. 412–475, 1991.
F. Thiery, J. Veller, L. Raddatz, L. Rokohl, F. Boochs, and A. W. Mees, “A Semi-Automatic Semantic-Model-Based Comparison Workflow for Archaeological Features on Roman Ceramics,” en, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 167, Apr. 2023, ISSN: 2220-9964. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi12040167. [Online]. Available: https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/12/4/167 (visited on 04/26/2023).
S. von L¨owenstein, Mythologische Darstellungen auf Gebrauchsgegenst¨anden der Sp¨ atantike: die appliken- und reliefverzierte Sigillata C3/C4 (K¨ olner Jahrbuch 48). 2015.
S. C. Schmidt, F. Thiery, and M. Trognitz, “Practices of linked open data in archaeology and their realisation in wikidata,” en, Digital, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 333–364, Sep. 2022, Number: 3 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, ISSN: 2673-6470. DOI: 10.3390/digital2030019. [Online]. Available: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-6470/2/3/19 (visited on 06/22/2022).
C. Justus, P. Atorf, and F. Boochs, “Gewinnung realit¨atsnaher virtueller Modelle als Grundlage für die Erkennung von ¨Ähnlichkeiten,” English, in Photogrammetrie - Laserscanning - Optische 3D-Messtechnik: Beitr ¨age der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2019. Berlin: Wichmann, 2019, pp. 250–258, ISBN: 978-3-87907-660-4.
T. Homburg, A. Cramer, L. Raddatz, and H. Mara, “Metadata schema and ontology for capturing and processing of 3D cultural heritage objects,” Heritage Science, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 91, 2021, ISSN: 2050-7445. DOI: 10.1186/s40494-021-00561-w. [Online]. Available: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-021-00561-w (visited on 03/24/2022).
F. Thiery and L. Rokohl, “Linked open african red slip ware,” Squirrel Papers, vol. 3, no. 1, No.3, Nov. 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5722941. (visited on 02/24/2022).
F. Thiery, A. Mees, and L. Rokohl. “Wikidata: Wiki-project african red slip ware digital.” (2022), [Online]. Available: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_African_Red_Slip_Ware_Digital (visited on 06/21/2022).
Wikidata Community. “Wikidata query service: Iconographic items of the ars3d project.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://w.wiki/4paq (visited on 04/26/2023).
How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Florian Thiery, Allard W. Mees, Bernhard Weisser, Felix F. Schäfer, Stefanie Baars, Sonja Nolte, Henriette Senst, Philipp von Rummel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-29
Published 2023-09-07
Funding data
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Grant numbers BMBF-01UG1888AX;BMBF-01UG1888BX