Distributed Computing and Storage Infrastructure for PUNCH4NFDI
Distributed Computing, NFDI, Particle Physics, Astro Physics, Data ManagementAbstract
The PUNCH4NFDI consortium brings together scientists from the German particle physics, hadron and nuclear physics, astronomy, and astro-particle physics communities to improve the management and (re-)use of scientific data from these interrelated communities. The PUNCH sciences have a long tradition of building large instruments that are planned, constructed and operated by international collaborations. While the large collaborations typically employ advanced tools for data management and distribution, smaller-scale experiments often suffer from very limited resources to address these aspects. One of the aims of the consortium is to evaluate and enable or adopt existing solutions. Instances of a prototype federated and distributed computing and storage infrastructure have been set up at a handful of sites in Germany. This prototype is used to gain experience in running of scientific workflows to further guide the development of the Science Data Platform, which is an overarching goal of the consortium.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Christoph Wissing, Basavaraja Bheemalingappa Sagar, Markus Blank-Burian, Alexander Drabent, Sören Fleischer, Oliver Freyermuth, Manuel Giffels, Andreas Henkel, Matthias Hoeft, Jörn Künsemöller, Nicola Malavasi, Cristina Manzano, Benoit Roland, Hubert Simma, Dominik Schwarz, Kilian Schwarz, Nandini Suvvi Neelakantaia, Luka Vomberg, Christian Voss, Vadim Vybornov, Michael Wigard, Sebastian Wozniewski

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-30
Published 2023-09-07
Funding data
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Grant numbers 460248186