The Federal State Initiatives for RDM as Intermediaries in a Dynamic Landscape of RDM Infrastructures and Services
State Initiative for RDM, Connecting RDMAbstract
A number of German federal states have established initiatives to support the institutionalization of RDM infrastructures and services. They can serve as intermediaries between disciplinary approaches to RDM like NFDI and RDM services in individual research institutions. This presentation gives an overview of the current state of these initiatives and provides an outlook on their role in creating synergies in RDM with a focus on their integrating potential for NFDI.
Alexandra Axtmann, Elisabeth Böker, Ortrun Brand, Magdalene Cyra, Nina Dworschak, Matthias Fingerhuth, Roman Gerlach, Niklas Hartmann, Gerald Jagusch, Esther Krähwinkel, Robert Lipp, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Thomas Nauss, Heike Neuroth, Markus Putnings, Stephanie Rehwald, Jessica Rex, Jürgen Rohrwild, Benjamin Slowig, Markus Putnings, Stephanie Rehwald, Jessica Rex, Jürgen Rohrwild, Benjamin Slowig, Stephan Thiemann, Barbara Weiner (2021). "Wir bringen die breite Basis mit" – Gemeinsames Plädoyer für eine enge Einbindung der Landesinitiativen für Forschungsdatenmanagement in die Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur. Zenodo.
Sprecher:innenkreis der FDM-Landesinitiativen. (2022, October 4). FDM-Landesinitiativen und regionale Netzwerke. Vortrag bei der NFDI-Konsortialversammlung am 01. Juli 2022. Zenodo.
How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Ortrun Brand, Karen Bruhn, Magdalene Cyra, Matthias Fingerhuth, Roman Gerlach, Boris Jacob, Cora Krömer, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Heike Neuroth, Thilo Paul-Stüve, Stephanie Rehwald, Janine Straka, Barbara Weiner

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-29
Published 2023-09-07