Optical Real-Time Castability Evaluation for High-Throughput Glass Melting





Optical Real-Time Castability Check, High-Throughput Melting, Image Analysis


A novel optical real-time method for evaluating the castability of glass forming melts for laboratory furnaces is presented. The method is based on the analysis of top view images of the melt surface inside the crucible during melting after being subjected to a small mechanical impulse. In this way, the melt surface is excited to oscillate. The difference in contrast between two images taken in quick succession scales with the viscosity, with a larger diffe­rence occurring at lower viscosities. The method is designed as an instrument for the in-line evaluation of the castability for a high-throughput glass melting system as part of the joint project “GlasDigital” in the framework of the German Platform Material Digital initiative but is applicable to other laboratory furnaces as well.


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How to Cite

Gogula, S., Bornhöft, H., Wondraczek, L., Sierka, M., Diegeler, A., Müller, R., & Deubener, J. (2024). Optical Real-Time Castability Evaluation for High-Throughput Glass Melting. Glass Europe, 2, 83–93. https://doi.org/10.52825/glass-europe.v2i.1359
Received 2024-06-12
Accepted 2024-07-31
Published 2024-08-28

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